
Despre Noi / About us

Ne dorim sa fim blogul care prezinta istoria tehnologiei moderne. Tehnologia noastra de astazi are un stramos pe care este posibil sa il regasiti prezentat pe blogul Vintage Gadget Collector. Colectia privata V.G.C. este alcatuita din telefoane, calculatoare - intr-un cuvant gadget-uri - care au facut istorie si care au fost folosite ani indelungati. Concret, colectia a inceput acum mai bine15 ani. Gadget-urile din colectia V.G.C. au fost pregatite astfel, pe rand, si fotografiate pentru a fi prezentate pe blog, pentru cei care sunt interesati sa afle informatii sau detalii despre modelele colectiei. Unele au trecut de prima si a doua tinerete si inca functioneaza.

Ce este fascinant este faptul ca desi folosite in conditii normale, unele din aceste telefoane functioneaza la fel ca in prima zi. Daca si dumneavoastra va regasiti modele pe care le-ati avut in posesie acum multi ani, dati un like pe Facebook la Gadget Collector si follow paginii. De asemenea daca aveti intrebari sau propuneri nu ezitati sa ni le transmiteti.

Toate gadgeturile prezentate fac parte din colectia proprie, imaginile sunt reale si reprezinta produsele in tocmai. Unele gadgeturi sunt revandute pentru a face loc si altora. Daca aveti gadgeturi pe care doriti sa le donati, sa contribuiti sau sa cumparati dintre gadget-urile prezentate, nu ezitati sa ne contactati.

We would like to be that blog that presents the history of modern technology. Nowadays there is a grandfather that you might be able to find presented on Vintage Gadget Collector. The V.G.C. is a private collection that is made up of mobile phones, computers - in one word "gadgets" - that have made history and have been used for a long time. Basically, the collection started more than 15 years ago. The V.G.C collection has been prepared, all by one, and photographed to be presented on the blog, for those who are interested in finding out useful information or details about the collection's items. Some of the gadgets have reached their first or second youth but still work today.

What is fascinating is the fact that, even though they have been used in normal, everyday situation, some of them work like they did when they were new. If you find yourself models that you owned please do like our Facebook page  GadgetCollector and follow the page. Also should you have questions or ideas do not hesitate to contact us.

All the gadgets are a part of our private collection, the pictures are real and they represent the exact models. Some of the gadgets maybe subject to reselling to make room for others. Should you want to donate, contribute or buy some gadgets, please contact us.

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